More Information

Check-in time 3 pm to 9 pm.
Check-out time is 11 am.
If earlier or later check-in time is necessary, please contact the innkeeper for alternative arrangements.
The Inn is a non-smoking property.
A 2-night minimum stay may be required during holiday, fall foliage, summer weekends, and special events weekends.
No food or beverages not provided by the inn in the rooms.
A guarantee by credit card or check is required to confirm your reservation.
Acceptance of your reservation is made with the understanding that you will be responsible for the entire period reserved.
Cancellations for individual rooms up to 14 days prior to the day of arrival. Policies for Block Reservations please contact the inn.
Since the Highland Lake Inn is a small business, cancellations affect us dramatically.
Full payment is due upon arrival.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Cash, Personal and Traveler’s Checks, Debit Cards, VISA, MasterCard and Discover Card are accepted for payment.